So I was looking for some cc and came across a post that talked about adding a world to the sims with out a pack, now this I had to see. So I pulled up the person who is suppose to be making this world and i see that he has commented quite harshly on someones cc post. Now I click on this to see what it’s all about and I find that the CC that he is not supporting is actually really cool. Then I go on a hunt to try and find this CC. The creator has not posted a link to it on her twitter because she has gotten so much backlash, so then I went to her twitter bio which has a link to her tumbler and Voilà there is the CC i was looking for.

As Kiwi said “A set of 9 flags. I made the American flag, trump flag, all lives matter flag, unborn lives matter flag, don’t tread on me flag, thin blue line flag, Jesus is king flag, Christian flag, and a flag with a bible verse on it.” More information is found on her site and I have linked that below.
I thought these flags would be a cool item to add to my favorites page, I would highly recommend going and checking out Sims4Kiwi’s content. If you would like I have made a fabulous shortcut to downloading right here ↓