Have you ever thought “I really need to lock up all of the Goths, they’re a little suspicious” or “I just need to run a jail.” At this point, I would say “If you have thought any of these things then”, but instead I say, “you just need this jail, no questions asked” Every simmer, at some point in their simming career, needs a jail, face it, you need one too.
This is a Willow Creek Jail, as accurate as I can make it in the sims. If you would like to have this jail in your game, go to the gallery and use the hashtag search to find my build under the #getsimscc. If you would like to see any of my other builds my gallery name is Sgt-fun follow if you want to see more builds like this one. This build has no custom content included in it, though many of my other builds do.

This Willow Creek County jail has seven jail cells with two beds per cell as well as one solitary confinement room. The jail has several other things for the prisoners to do including, but not limited to, a large cafeteria, a library, a gym, a medical center, basketball, and much more. Again, if you would like to have this jail in your game, go to the gallery and use the hashtag search to find my build under the #getsimscc.